Online Exclusive: County Commissioner Steve Mulroy: Response to the Toyos Profile

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To The Editor:
By: District Five County Commissioner Steve Mulroy
To the Editor:

Your recent piece on my opponent (”The Swing Seat”) misleads your reader in at least two ways. Of my opponent, the article states, “But it was in his move to Memphis that [he] found true connection. He eventually settled in Hickory Hills [sic]“; and “[He] moved from his original Midtown home more than a year ago and began to get to know the Hickory Ridge area.” In reality, my Republican opponent lives in the upscale East Memphis neighborhood just south of Walnut Grove–at the opposite end of District 5 from Hickory Hill, both geographically and socioeconomically.

More important, the article faithfully repeats Toyos’ claim that I have only recently worked on urban blight generally and the dilapidated Marina Cove apartment complex specifically, and only because of the impending election. This is demonstrably false. As County administration officials, University of Memphis sociologists, neighborhood association activists, and fellow County Commissioners of both parties will attest, I have made urban blight, including Marina Cove, priorities from my very first year in office, have worked tirelessly on these issues, and have raised them publicly (including during on-the-record County Commission sessions) on many occasions well before the campaign. Indeed, my work has borne fruit this year, as we finally got municipal funding for the demolition of Marina Cove. On both matters, District 5 voters are entitled to the undistorted facts.

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