Main Street Journal

On the River: On the Campaign Trail: Another Tennessee President?


The following is an excerpt from our June issue:

By Jonathan Lindberg

Remember when Al Gore was a punch line? It wasn’t that long ago.

Eight years back we laughed together when we discovered Al Gore still kissed his wife with passion. Could anything have been more awkward? Seven years later and that same Al Gore is now sharing the stage with Leonardo DeCaprio and Cameron Diaz. He is holding Oscar and joking with Jay Leno on The Tonight Show.

Somewhere along the way Al Gore became cool. Quite a transformation, to say the least. Maybe as dramatic as Richard Nixon learning to smile in 1968.

Of course not every step has been smooth. Gore did grow a beard for a while. And there was that bitter speech concerning ‘this president’ for Still, over the past eight years, no political figure has made greater strides from the bottom to the top than Al Gore.

For perspective, consider John Kerry, who also lost to George Bush for president. In two years time, Kerry has fallen to such depths that by the end of the last election cycle, no candidate even wanted Kerry on the same stage.

Remember when John Kerry was considered polished and Al Gore stiff? All that has changed.

When it comes to the politics of Al Gore, no other Democrat has been more consistent, more aligned with the liberal base in his own party on two main issues in this election – namely Iraq and the environment.

This explains why watching Senator Hillary Clinton question Al Gore on global warming in Washington was like watching two lions sizing each other up.

For now, Al Gore is doing what he loves to do, namely lecturing the American public on environmental policy. When asked about the presidency, Gore explains his days of politicking are over, like every good undeclared candidate is taught to do.

Still, he answers with a certain wink.

Gore-the-environmental-crusader has unlimited platform, political clout, and a measured dose of popular support. As presidential candidate, Gore becomes another liberal crusader under attack. Is this a role he even wants anymore?

We will wait and see.

So while many in Tennessee await favorite son Fred Thompson to declare his candidacy for president – many outside the state are hoping Al Gore will do the same.

Al Gore vs. Fred Thompson– what more could Tennessee ask for when it comes to presidential politics?

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