Main Street Journal: Online Exclusive: Herman Cain, the White House and Excalibur!

The Main Street Journal Website

The Race for the White House, Herman Cain and Excalibur!
By: Dr Ed “Doc” Holliday

In the legend of King Arthur a mighty sword, embedded in stone, waited for the true heir to the throne to remove it. No one thought that the common boy could have royal blood, but young Arthur removed the sword from the stone and the feats of King Arthur’s awesome reign go on and on. Now the Republican Party is searching for the one who can defeat President Obama in 2012. Much like the young Arthur, no pundit believes that Herman Cain can actually win the Republican nomination, but let me tell you why he can win the nomination and how he can give President Obama a “shellacking” in the general election.

On Memorial Day just passed I was in the new Jefferson Library located within the Library of Congress just across from the U.S. Capitol. I found myself surrounded by a beautiful circle of Jefferson’s books, many originals, all encased in glass on wooden shelves designed as a circle within a great room. Within that circle was another circle on the stone floor. There I stood on the circle within a circle and in my mind’s eye I was spinning until I visualized Jefferson struggling, longing for America’s freedom to extend unto each generation. Baffled by the peculiar institution called slavery, I sensed the wrestling within Jefferson’s mind about how a nation founded on freedom could at the same time buy and sell African slaves like cattle or horses. I actually experienced the deep racial division that has separated us as a people from before our nation’s very birth. There in that circle I suffered beneath the weight that has so dragged down the American quest to truthfully live free. There in that very ring I could touch Jefferson’s pain as his generation failed to yield an answer and I could sense how he yearned for someone to bring unity to the great divide. Someone who could actually extract Excalibur, and unite our nation like no one has ever done before. Sure, Lincoln came close but he was taken from us just as the awful war was ending. I stood there waiting for an answer that did not come.

Later that afternoon I stood at the gravesite of President John F. Kennedy and watched the flickering of the eternal flame. I turned back to look at the city of Washington and from the direct line of sight from the gravesite I could see right to the Lincoln Memorial. And there the earlier epiphany completed itself as presidential lines linked themselves from Kennedy to Lincoln to Washington (Washington monument) and Grant sitting on his horse guarding the U.S. Capitol and extending to Jefferson in the Library of Congress. All were searchers for that elusive cure that would bring all Americans together. Who could that ever be? From the leaders in the past ’til President Obama today there is ripe racial division and that division keeps Excalibur embedded in the stone. Who can pull us together by extracting Excalibur from the Rock of Liberty and wielding its mighty power to slay racism, poverty, and all that drags us down from our full potential as a people living free? Some thought President Obama could remove Excalibur but his far left-wing policies have made us more divided, increased our poverty, failed to produce robust job growth, and increased fighting in a culture war that continues to erode America’s once strong Judeo-Christian foundations.

Ronald Reagan was the Great Communicator and he brought the three legs of conservatism together—the fiscal conservatives, the social conservatives, and the strong defense conservatives. Even the ultra liberal Chris Matthews speaks of how the common man responded to Reagan. Reagan could be trusted by many everyday Americans. But Reagan found very little support in the African-American community and he never bridged the color gap for the Republican Party. Enter Herman Cain to the 2012 Presidential race. He is a game changer. He defies conventional wisdom. Like Ronald Reagan he has an appeal to the common person that establishment types don’t grasp at first. (Remember, conservative George Will thought Reagan was unelectable and supported Howard Baker for President in 1980.) And Herman Cain has the potential to be the one to extract Excalibur and lead this nation to Camelot! Let me tell you why.

First and foremost conservatives and Republicans both are looking for an ABO candidate—that is Anybody But Obama to run this country. Herman Cain only has to convince those voting in the Republican primaries that he can beat Obama better and more stunningly than anyone else running or even thinking about running—and Cain can. You can put all the conservative maneuvering to the side because at the end of the day most Republican candidates’ policies are similar and, if not now, by the time any policy made it through the gauntlet of Capitol Hill it would be similar. So put that off the table. And President Obama has shown that experience really does not matter. You can say what you want but President Obama has effectively shifted government policy to the far left and that is what he wanted to do. I don’t like his socialist leaning policies but for someone with almost no federal government experience and no business experience whatsoever he has done more to push our nation to the left than Bill Clinton could have ever even dared to try. So anyone’s words belittling Herman Cain’s experience are pure poppycock. Like Reagan, Cain can surround himself with strong conservative thinkers and leaders from domestic to defense to foreign policy. And Cain will.

Now what does Herman Cain bring uniquely to the stone table? First, he is a turnaround master. He has turned a large company around using long held core conservative principles. His unique experiences give him the renaissance perspective for just a time like this. Many if not all predominately black media ran scores of articles on the alleged racist nature of the Tea Party movement in the Fall of 2010. Why? To fire up the base of the Democratic Party. Americans can expect the same in 2012 from the mainstream media and para-Democratic-leaning allies of the President’s re-election campaign. But what if the Republicans nominate Herman Cain? How can the left-wingers cry “Republicans hate black people” when they nominate a man with dark black skin (much blacker than President Obama’s skin) to be their presidential nominee? Half the Democratic campaign strategy for 2012 will be sunk. Advantage: Herman Cain. No other Republican running can do this.

What happens in the general election when all those who were caught up in making history by electing the first African-American president are caught in the dilemma of sticking with President Obama’s failed economic policies or actually making more history by making sure for the first time in American history that one black president hands over the reins of power to another black president. Not only would President Cain be the second African-American president, but the first one to be a direct descendent of American slaves, one who actually grew up in the segregated South. Herman Cain would be the first President who at one time had to drink from a “colored” water fountain. Wow, now that’s powerful history that would enable Herman Cain to pull with all his might to unite us and extract Excalibur and place the American people on the road to peace, prosperity and working together to cross that elusive Jordan River into the Promised Land. Cain has the true potential to lead us to the Promised Land that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. so prophetically saw the night before his assassination in Memphis, Tennessee, when he proclaimed that we as a people will get to the Promised Land. When he said “we” I believe with all my heart that he meant you and me and all Americans everywhere. And I believe that the only person on the horizon that can bring us together with trust from all sides is none other than Herman Cain.

Now in the song “America the Beautiful” there is one phrase that says, “Oh beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years.” This is indeed where Herman Cain makes the biggest threat not only to President Obama’s ability to get re-elected but to the entire liberal establishment. Because after the four failed years with the far-left in charge of America, when President Cain’s conservative principles prevail and jobs become plentiful and people see for themselves the direct contrasts from when the far-left liberals controlled the nation and when conservatives under the African-American leadership of President Cain control the nation, real change will become real hope. At that time the domination of the far-left over the African-American faith community will begin to break down. Like my African-American pastor friend in Arkansas, Dr. Robert Smith, says, pastors who oppose same-sex marriage and abortion on Sundays should oppose them on Election Day, too.

A paradigm shift in politics will usher in a new day for America. The far-left may well become like the Confederates—loved and cherished by a certain portion of the population afterward, but powerless to proceed politically as their ideology is dismantled. Now that should give reason for all conservatives and all Republicans to take a serious look at what Herman Cain offers for the future of America as President of the Untied States—and no other candidate running or thinking of running has the potential to actually turn as many voting liberals into voting conservatives as Cain can. In my book Walk with Me, published in January 2010, I wrote, “When the Black Republicans return to power, then America will see its finest hour.” Prophetic? So shall we see. Or as the great Yoda would say, “See shall we not? Indeed, yes.”

Herman Cain has said that America is an unbelievable place as he is the great-great grandson of American slaves and now he is running for President of the United States. And here I am writing about Herman Cain with my Confederate captain great-grandfather on my father’s side who served in Mississippi’s 34th Infantry and my mother’s grandfather who was one of five brothers serving in the Confederate Army. In fact my mother’s grandfather was the great-grandson of General Rutherford who fought under the command of George Washington in the Revolutionary War (or the First War for Independence for you Rebel history buffs.) He even had a county in North Carolina named for him. And now I am saying that this Southern-born, Southern-bred, and history loving proud great-grandson of Confederate officers would count it an honor and a privilege to be able to vote for Herman Cain for president and indeed a blessing to serve under the leadership of a President Herman Cain. Is America great or what? Americans, seize the day! Herman Cain; seize Excalibur!

(Dr. Ed Holliday hosts “Doc Holliday’s Tea Party”, a weekly Internet Radio show. He practices general dentistry in Tupelo, Mississippi. You can hear more about his “Epiphany in Washington D.C.” on his June 13th show and visit his website at


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