Main Street Journal

A real puzzler


Can anyone in their right mind read this fine column by Bill Hobbs (it’s not long), then explain this story in the Washington Post?

Public confidence in GOP governance has plunged to the lowest levels of the Bush presidency, with Americans saying by wide margins that they now trust Democrats more than Republicans to deal with Iraq, the economy, immigration and other issues, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll that underscores the GOP’s fragile grip on power six months before the midterm elections.

A political observer might suggest the following, 1) the White House has a lousy communications staff, 2) the mainstream media and left wing politicos have successfully erased any GOP gains by creating a false negative reality, or 3) the country is rolling along fine despite our lousy politicians.

Asked to explain, the man on the street might say the low numbers are all about Iraq, Katrina and the “culture of corruption”. He might proceed to split hairs about the economy by pointing to deficits and tax cuts for the rich. Since that’s the message coming from Pelosi-Reid parroted by most of the press that suggests the answer to the above question is number 2.

But despite this partisan analysis it can’t be denied the president is carrying a negative image right now. Ironically, most polls suggest Americans are feeling OK about their own futures while feeling uneasy about the big picture. The age old saying is that people vote their wallets, but if the republican image doesn’t improve soon there might be a leftward shift come November, which is probably why we’re seeing Tony Snow and Josh Bolten front and center.