Main Street Journal

Voting in Memphis


As in several areas of the state today, it’s primary election day in Shelby County.

With the exception of county clerk, county mayor and a couple county commission seats, most Republican-held offices are uncontested. Eyes will be on the commission races in District 4 Position 2, where incumbent Tom Moss is up against Jim Bomprezzi and Wyatt Bunker, and in District 1 Position 1, where Charles Fineberg is the longshot in a heated race between Mike Ritz and Mike Rude.

Memphis will also be watching the local Election Commission to see how it handles any irregularities in case dead voters, out-of-town residents or other ineligible voters again show up at the polls.

Over the weekend, the Commercial Appeal continued its investigation of the voter rolls. Among its findings were “20,000 residents who have moved since 2002″ yet remain on the active voter roll, nearly 2,000 votes cast by out-of-town residents over the past four years, more than 400 former Shelby County residents who appear to have voted twice in the 2004 federal election, and “at least 500″ deceased residents still on the rolls, including one voter who died in 1954.

Of course, the CA is only following in the footsteps of John Harvey, the deputy sheriff who uncovered widespread problems in the District 27 special election to replace indicted former Senator John Ford.

Harvey has launched a new website called Voting in Memphis (and also has a new blog), where he calls for the replacement of the entire Shelby County Election Commission.

It appears Harvey is also partially responsible for the hilarious parody song Voting in Memphis (right-click and save-as to hear MP3) by Paul Shanklin (as heard on the Mike Fleming show). Suggestion: save it to your iPod before you head to the polls, then vote with a smile on your face.

UPDATE: Watch the election results as they are reported at the Shelby County Election Commission website.

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