Main Street Journal

Et Cetera: Campaigns, Immigration and Trivia


Tennessee’s Republican Senate candidates are pulling out all of the stops this week, making a final push for campaign contributions before the 1st Quarter ends. Ed Bryant’s team is asking each supporter to give $125, one dollar for every day left between the end of this month and the primary. Bob Corker sent out an “urgent appeal” with a the goal of raising $23,000 via the internet. The Van Hilleary asks backers (and their five friends) to “take a stand” for a conservative takeover of the Senate by making a $100 gift.

According to Jonah Goldberg, “America doesn’t really have an immigration problem.”

Powerlineblog has an update from the Saddam doc dump — some interesting finds, including a note about Russian involvement. The Bush Administration’s take on Russia has been very weak. Condoleezza Rice was asked about it on Meet the Press last Sunday; the transcript will be available here soon, I imagine.

Grumpy pundit Bruce Bartlett takes a shot a the Laffer Curve argument (but doesn’t offer an alternative). This column is sure to make the rounds over the next few days.

Why is it that we call fluffy he-said, she-said articles news but consider actual facts trivia? Willisms has another good trivia tidbit today, this one on mandatory spending.

Do you read Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams’ very funny and thoughtful blog? You should. Here’s an interesting post where he offers his political views on a wide variety of topics.