Main Street Journal

On the Road with Senator John Edwards


The following is an excerpt from our June issue:

By Nicholas Carraway

For those of you who do not know Nicholas Carraway (I assume everyone does), he has spent the better part of the last twenty-one years traveling the country in a renovated R.V., working as a freelance reporter for a number of wonderful publications. His recent kick has been one-on-one interviews. Mr. Carraway has agreed to send the Main Street Journal his notes. Since he does not believe in the use of computers, the notes come in a large Federal Express envelope and are usually jumbled. The quotes you find in this article are mostly accurate; however, the questions may be somewhat out of place. This interview took place with Presidential candidate John Edwards at the Pink Sapphire Spa & Boutique in Manchester, New Hampshire.

NC Senator, thank you for taking the time to sit down.

JE Nick, the pleasure is all mine.

NC Senator, you are running as an Everyman in this race. Do you think that is an accurate label?

JE Look Nick, I own a truck. Probably a Ford or a Chevrolet. It is white, and it is sitting in front of my house.

NC I see. But during the 2004 campaign, you received two haircuts from celebrity stylist Joseph Torrenueva for $400 each.

JE That was a bit much, I agree. Today, my haircut will cost $225.

(Edwards turns to his stylist and asks her to ‘feather-the-sides’)

NC But do you see how people would have a hard time relating to that?

JE Nick, sometimes people just need a breather.

(Edwards lays back and places two cucumber slices over his eyes)

NC Let’s talk about Iraq.

JE Nick, there are sixty countries who have members of Al Qaida. How many of those countries are we going to invade?

NC And yet five years ago, you were strongly in favor of invading Iraq.

JE Let’s don’t go there.

NC But Senator, these are your words spoken on the U.S. Senate Floor. “As a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I firmly believe that the issue of Iraq is not about politics. It is about national security. He (Saddam) has chemical and biological weapons today. We cannot wait for a terrible event – or if weapons of mass destruction are used, one far worse .