Main Street Journal

Oh, Now We Understand


On Monday we had a note about Michael Moore and wondered aloud why he seemed to be more concerned with Canadian politics than U.S. jobs. Now I’m beginning to see why.

Remember this? This is the map Michael Moore posted to his website after the 2004 U.S. Presidential election. The purpose was to spin the results and mock the Bush States as oddball deviants from a greater Liberal North America.


Moore’s spin doesn’t work as well now that Canada will be governed by the Conservatives.


Actually, though, Canada shouldn’t be all green, if we’re looking at it by province, as we do by state. But you get the idea. In reality, in terms of governing, the whole map should be green.

UPDATE: Apologies to Glen Dean. I hadn’t seen his post until after adding this entry. Great minds think alike?

1 comment so far

I knew you had a great mind Mick, but this confirms it:)